SE Wisconsin Coastal Resilience Grant Recipients
Proposals were sought in the fall of 2018 for projects to plan and prepare for enhanced community resilience to coastal hazards in Southeastern Wisconsin. Applicants identified coastal resilience needs in a community Coastal Resilience Self-Assessment and were encouraged to develop projects that would address these needs. The following projects were selected to receive funding and are underway. As projects are completed, case studies are being written to summarize major project outcomes and lessons learned.
See the press release about these grants here: CRG Press Release
Kemper Center Shoreline Protection Phase III
Kenosha County Division of Parks
This project developed strategies to protect the shoreline at the Kemper Center, a cultural and recreational facility located on the exposed shoreline of Lake Michigan that is continually damaged by waves. This project advanced stormwater management and site grading plans for the site, assessed the current salvageable material along the shoreline and furthered regulatory coordination for shoreline stabilization.
Read the case study for this project here
Understanding Coastal Hazard Impacts through Parcel Mapping, Shoreline Classification, Public Outreach and Local Ordinance Review

Erosion protection in the Village of Mount Pleasant
Photo retrieved from The Journal Times: “Racine to receive Coastal Management grant”
City of Racine – Public Health Department (Project #1)
This project seeks to better understand coastal hazards threats, resources, and policies in Racine County. This project will review existing parcel maps to determine ownership of assets along the coast, compile regionally relevant coastal hazard education and outreach materials for shoreline property owners and conduct a review of ordinances for coastal Racine County jurisdictions to evaluate their currency and identify opportunities to better address coastal hazards.
Read more from the Racine Journal Times
Revise and/or Develop Beach Management Plans for WDNR Designated Public Beaches – Racine County
City of Racine – Public Health Department (Project #2)
This project will assess, revise and/or develop beach best management practice plans, with a focus on incorporating elements which address extreme weather impacts on the beachscape. This project will provide the most up to date information regarding site management practices to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as well as the jurisdictions with local authority over these public bathing beaches.
Phase II Conceptual Design and Natural Area Management Plans – Greater North/Zoo Beach Area
City of Racine – Public Health Department (Project #3)
This project will develop conceptual design (North Beach) and natural area management plans (greater North/Zoo Beach area) in response to recommendations contained within the beach best management practice plan for the greater North/Zoo Beach area (from City of Racine Project #2 above).
Creating A Coastline Management Policy for Milwaukee County
Milwaukee County (Project #1)
This project will develop a formal policy and coastal land management practices for Milwaukee County to assist with preventing or reducing shoreline recession, bluff failure, or erosion on County lands. Elements of the policy and management practices will include guidance on setbacks from bluffs and ravines, vegetation management, viewshed management, stabilization techniques, and stormwater management.
Read more from Urban Milwaukee
Milwaukee County Coastal Resources Inventory
Milwaukee County (Project #2)
This project conducted a comprehensive study to identify and assess the vulnerability of Milwaukee County’s extensive property holdings and recreational assets along the Lake Michigan shoreline to extreme weather. The study inventoried Milwaukee County’s coastal resources, summarized their status, assigned values to those resources, and prioritized them according to vulnerability and value.
Read the case study for this project here
Oak Creek Shoreline Resilience, Habitat, and Access project
City of Oak Creek
This proposed project will create a detailed final design for bluff toe protection, bluff slope revegetation and new public access at a brownfield site in Oak Creek, WI. This project will create a resilient bluff that will become a public park and further collaboration with the adjacent regional wastewater treatment plant as reducing erosion at the City owned bluff will address the treatment plant’s vulnerability to flanking recession at the property boundary.
Port of Milwaukee Coastal Facilities Inspection and Assessment for Coastal Resilience Hazards, Planning & Sustainability
Port of Milwaukee
This project will inspect Port Milwaukee’s coastal structures, assess their resilience and plan mitigation measures for preventing future coastal hazard damage. The Port would upgrade the capacity of its existing harbor survey boat, allowing the Port’s staff engineers to conduct a thorough infrastructure inspection above and below the water line to assess vulnerabilities to coastal hazards and identify strategic mitigation measures.
Clay Bluffs Cedar Gorge Nature Preserve Master Plan
Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Department (Project #2)
This project will develop a Master Plan for the Clay Bluffs Cedar Gorge Nature Preserve that considers coastal resiliency challenges to aid in the long-term management of the property. Elements of the Master Plan will include ecological restoration, vegetation management for erosion control and invasive species management, passive-use, low impact recreation plans, shoreline and bluff erosion resiliency options, stormwater management, education and outreach, planned future improvements, and a funding plan to detail phasing and funding opportunities to implement the plan.
Virmond County Park Coastal Resiliency – Surface Water, Stormwater, and Groundwater Drainage
Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Department (Project #2)
This project will investigate the impact of surface water drainage and groundwater seepage on bluff erosion dynamics at Virmond County Park in the City of Mequon. The proposed surface water and groundwater drainage study will identify notable drainage points from existing or proposed infrastructure and onsite wetlands that may contribute to increased bluff erosion or slumping and stormwater drainage. This will include preliminary engineering and design with proposed solutions for improved stormwater and groundwater management.